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social media course for business owners

We often talk to business owners who are not yet ready to hire an agency to oversee their digital marketing. So, in addition to running their business, they are saddled with the job of trying to promote their business on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and whatever new platform is trending at the moment.


But researching what best practices and techniques to use on your social media accounts takes time and can be a job in and of itself.

(Trust us - we know! We live that job every day.)

So, we've created this course to relieve business owners of

the time-consuming burden of scouring the internet for social media tips and how-tos by putting everything they need to know all in one place.


The course is divided into 20-minute modules. We've purposely designed each module to be short and packed with everything you need to know so you can immediately put it into practice. Plus, each module is presented in video form which can be watched or listened to on any smart device, whenever you want, from wherever you are.​



  • 30-minute consultation with one of our experts. You'll have an opportunity to ask questions and get suggestions specifically tailored to your business and goals.

  • access to our private Facebook Group specifically for students of this course where you'll be able to continue the conversation with and get feedback from our experts and other students


sign up

To register for our next course, please fill out the information below.

If you are a business owner ready to hire a digital marketing agency now,

please visit our Services page and contact us to discover how

SR Social Media Management, Inc., can support your business.




contact us

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